Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Mumblings - Babies, Mushrooms, and Fairy Gardens

Once again another week has past and we begin again. As we drove the two and half hour drive home from visiting the moms yesterday on Easter Sunday, I realized that we were already into the fourth month of the year. How time seems to fly sometimes… I could not help but recall that it seems like it had only been yesterday when the New Year had begun. They say that one grows older that time goes faster until you reach your golden years and once again it slows as it did when you were young and a child. Think I have a ways to go until I reach that point.

It was a wonderful visit yesterday. The weather was beautiful and almost hot with its 89 degree temperatures. This was Winston’s first road trip other than when we brought him home and he done exceptional. When we arrived home last night, he was completely worn out. He slept completely thru the night and did not wake until almost 6 am. I will admit that I woke occasionally through the night wondering if he was ok and also checking on Vincent. Vincent’s allergies were giving him hell yesterday and nothing he took seemed to help alleviate any of the symptoms. I finally persuaded him to let me doctor him when we arrived home and he felt much better before bedtime and like Winston slept like a baby. But then most of us women know how men can be when they are ill.

I am expecting my new grandson, Nathan, to be born this week. He has already turned, with head first, ready to make his grand entrance into this world. Due date was not set until the 12th, yet I am not sure if he will wait that long… Both baby and momma seem to be ready to have this over with. With no photos of the wee one yet, I decided to put one of my favorites of his big brother and sister.   I have also been working on his baby quilt as much as possible and hope to finish it up this week also. Of course photos of the finished product will be shared. My embroidery sewing machine never ceases to amaze me. What the women of old would have thought of such things.

This is also the time of year for many of nature’s wonderful secrets to come forth. Morel mushrooms have to be one of my favorite secrets. I would love to have some time to walk about some afternoon and see if I could possibly spy some of these treasures. If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing them, you are missing out. They have a flavor that is simply wonderful. People are said to die with the secret locations of their morel groves. I myself know of a few and am always on the lookout for others. It is definitely the time of year to have one’s eyes peeled.

Yet with so much going on, I am not sure if I will have the opportunity to sneak away for such an adventure. Besides the normal weekly chores that need to be done, the yard is softly calling me to mow. Seeds need planted and plants tended. The area which was cleared for the prospective fairy garden is also waiting for more work to be done. It has been cleared and the ground worked. Although I know it will be a task that will evolve over time, I am eager to begin. I do not wish to allow the grasses and such to overtake it again as it had before.

Thus another week begins and once again the chore list is full. Some items are things that definitely need to be tended to and completed, while others are items that if time allows they may see some progress. Of course there is also the list of items that are more personal. I am sure that as the week progresses that all will have some form of attention given to them. Have a wonderful Monday and may each of you be blessed with a little piece of joy. Blessings to you


mxtodis123 said...

You must be so excited about your new grandson. I've heard nothing and the more time goes on, the more I am inclined to believe that my becoming a grandmother was nothing more than a rumor. Glad to hear Winston did well yesterday. He is such a cutie and I just love his name.

the wild magnolia said...

You are set on ready for another trip to welcome to new wee one and assit your daughter. What a blessed anticipation.

The big brother and sister are lovely and soon, there will be three lovelies.

Honeysuckle and Morel...mmmm

Marie S said...

What gorgeous grandchildren you have! What a blessing they are.

Wow 89 degrees, that's amazing.
You are much hotter than we are right now and it is usually the other way around.

Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter, I am so glad.
Have a great week too!
And blessings on your daughter for a safe and fast delivery!
Love and hugs

luna petunia said...

You have such beautiful grandchildren, Janie. Also..morels. Gotta go up in mountains & see if I can find some. I think I have eaten them but have never "found" them on my own.

Judy said...

Our morels don't come out for another month...we have a few places that we look...Hubs won't eat them, but Pa and I to get the sand out though, very important...

Nydia said...

I agree, time does fly while we grow old! It's amazing we're almost in the middle of the year!

What adorable photo of your grandkids, they're so cute! I imagine how anxious you're all for the new life to come! :o) I wish both mom and baby a good time.

Have a beautiful week, and kisses from us.