Friday, July 30, 2010

Blessed Lammas - Feasting on The First Fruits

This weekend many will celebrate the first harvest of Lammas. It is a time when the miracle of the seed taking on life and coming to fruition and giving forth its gift is celebrated by many. Although I was not lucky enough to cultivate my own garden this year, I hope that my intended efforts for later this fall to prepare for one next year will come to pass. There is  great joy in digging in the earth and feeling the soil fall between your fingers. To move it aside and place a tiny seed under the earth’s blanket and later see it emerge, reaching towards the sun and life. Later as time passes, and the seed gains strength and size it flowers and eventually develops its fruit to give forth as a gift for allowing it the cycle of life. Possibly it is a gift to have the love of gardening. If that be so then I am glad and quite thankful that this gift has been bestowed to me.

This Lammas I intend to make me a simple meal as I will spend it alone. I intend to spend the day at the farmers market relishing the fresh fruits and vegetables that seem to be everywhere at this time. My menu for later of course will be as fresh and from the garden as I can make it A Barley and fresh mushroom soup to start off with as I truly love fresh mushrooms. Of course I will have to prepare some fresh bread as bread is prevelant on Lammas . I have not decided if I will make a herbed flat bread or a simple corn bread. Whichever I decide to do, I am sure it will be tasty.

My main course will be a collection of grilled squash, corn, sweet potatoes and peaches. I intend to make it a meatless meal enjoying the many treats that this time of year and the many fresh gardens have to offer.

I wish you and yours a very blessed Lammas and hope that your harvest in whatever form is fruitful and bountiful. Blessings.


apinkdreamer said...

wonderful blog!!!

mxtodis123 said...

That sounds like a great Lammas meal. I still haven't made my decision yet.

Wendy said...

Going to the Farmer's Market is exactly what our ancestors did with their own fruits of labor. Sounds delicious what you have planned, wish I lived closer! May your Lammas bring sweet abundance to your live :)

Rue said...

Lammas blessings to you! Enjoy your luscious meal - yum!

TMCPhoto said...

As always we keep it simple here and with the Bean on the way and the Peanut so full of energy the simpler the better. I'm thinking of doing a garden blessing this year as well as making a fresh meal.

Scented Leaf said...

Thanks for your post. I didn't know when time passed this year! The first harvest is celebrating to the halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox...

Bogaman said...

That plate of vegetables looks good enough to eat :^)> X.

Dede said...

Wishing you a blessed Lammas as well! Headed over to the farmers market this morning. Your vegetables look so yummy!


AkasaWolfSong said...

A Very Happy and Blessed Lammas Janie! Your harvest meal looks scrumptious. I picked up some zucchini, have some fresh picked tomatoes, maybe some fresh swiss chard if I can get it picked in between the rain drops, and am going to pick up some fresh sweet corn this a.m....I think zucchini bread sounds good so that is what I will work on today to go with my harvest supper. Enjoy your day and I shall sup with you in the ethers!
Many Blessings and Fruitful Harvest! :)

Diana Cohen said...

I just discovered your blog!! How wonderful!

Teresa said...

Happy Lammas. It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned.

Heather S-G said...

Peaceful, thankful, introspective...sounds like a perfect weekend to me. Lammas blessings, my friend =)

(no verification word is often does that happen, LOL)

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful , You are so inspiring Momma Moon ☺
Thanks , Rox

Nydia said...

Belated Lammas blessings! Hope you enjoyed your time, dear!

Kisses and love from us.