It seems like only yesterday that the newest member of our family came home to live with us. We had discussed getting a dog for some time yet was not sure when or what breed we would choose. Vincent was fonder of smaller dogs, yet I loved the big ones. I honestly think he was afraid that I would eventually make good on my desire for a wolf pup so he suggested we go and look at some yellow lab pups one day back in April.

Being a breeder of labs earlier in my life I knew they were good dogs and knew if I saw them I would be in love immediately. Of course I was right and we brought Winston home that day. A beautiful little 7 week old yellow lab pup. He is the lighter blonde so when he was little he was almost snow white. As he has grown he has gotten a little more blonder in spots yet still he has that striking light yellow coat.

Today Winston turned 6 months old. I have to say he is the best dog I have ever had the pleasure of sharing part of my life with. I know that labs are an extremely smart breed yet Winston was potty trained in a matter of 3 weeks from the time he came home. He took to crate training wonderfully. Honestly I think he thinks of his crate as his bedroom. We have started to let him stay out at night as he is getting bigger. He still crawls in the open doored crate each evening and spends at least some time there. His monkey is still with him although his arms and legs are no longer. I have had to sew a couple heart patches on his other pal "Adolf" who he likes to chew feriously.
Winston is fast becoming a good friend and a constant buddy. This evening to celebrate his half year mark I am making him his own doggy meringues. He loves mine yet I think the sugar may not be as good for him so I perfected a recipe using beef boullin and he loves it.... I always swore I would never get so ridiculous with any animal... I guess we should watch those things we say we will never do... Life can be longer than we expect sometimes.... Blessings
OMG!!! It does seem like yesterday. Just look at him with his little toy. I can just see what will be there for him under the Christmas tree. LOL!!!!
Happy Six Months, Winston.
~oh my goodness...he melts your heart with that face...and his color...i have never seen a lab so pale before...simply stunning...how sweet you are to fix such a wonderful treat for him...happy six months little winston! warm iwshes and brightest blessings~
Winston is truly a blessed to be a blessing animal. How beautious he has become. So handsome and I am so happy for you that he is all you'd hoped he would be. Happy Halfer Winston
Winston has gotten so big. Labs are such sweet sweet dogs. I really think they may be the sweetest breed...just ready to snuggle under your heart.
Happy 6 months Winston!
Winston...I'm afraid you melt hearts little guy! Happy sixth months to you! Your Momma loves you very much, I can tell,lol!
What heavenly delights he will have with his own birthday treats.
He's a cutey Jainie and you can see the wisdom in those eyes of his.
You will be a blessing to each other!
Yaaaaaay Winston!!!
P.S. Thank You Janie for my delish treats and wonderful card. I was over the top excited and had to open up the spun-sugars right away...I am saving some for the Grands to try!
Yummy! :)
What a beautiful dog. I'll have to wait till i'm retired.
What a gorgeous, I mean handsome boy!
Happy Half-a-Year Winston!
He really is such a beautiful dog! I laughed when I read about his monkey. My dog that passed had a frog that I called "the amputee frog" because she chewed the arms and legs off it and I just kept sewing it up!
I think it's great that you make him special treats!
Oh I had a note all written out then service went out !
Those eyes in that shot with the monkey ! sweetness !
our dd loves loves loves labs too . her lab Fritz is about 5 months now and he knocks 4yo grandson over all the time . He is just such a happy big goof ☺
Congrats to the family & to Winston ☺
Oh my gods, Winston is so cute!! Love the photo where he's bitting the little stuffed monkey!
It's wonderful that you are spoiling this little sweety this way, with the fun, lovely time he's giving you! :o)
PS: Thank you for your sweet words on my post, you're a love, and I'm lucky in many ways here.
Looking at that little face no wonder you are making meringues! He looks so... Winston! :)
A big hug accompanied by "Good Boy" from me to Winston!
WOW! He is gorgeous, he has gotten so big in just six short months. I bet he loved his treats. I am just amazed at how fast he has grown. Wishing you a fun day!
What a sweet puppy....
I have given you an award http://mychaosinlife.blogspot.com/
I'm having some serious pet envy right now, your baby reminds me of my Attila. I miss my puppy ;-(
Yes, what a beautiful dog! I don't think i've ever seen that kind of dog that was so white looking. Just beautiful!
Live life love a Labrador, beautiful persons indeed.
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