Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Day In A Nutshell

Yesterday was a picture perfect April day. It started early with a spring storm coming through. I was awakened by lightning and the subtle rumble of thunder. It was nearing 6 am so I hurried and took Winston out to do his duty before the showers started. He was a good boy and quickly did his business and we returned inside. Checking the weather and starting the coffee, my day had begun.

As the storm passed us quickly we were blessed with some needed rain and very little else. Unfortunately the rage that Oklahoma weather can bring at times was felt by those north and south of us. They received high winds as well as hail. Once again we were blessed as the storm parted and went around us. A quick thank you was given as I continued my morning.

After enjoying my first cup of coffee I started my work in the kitchen. My eldest son and his fiancée were coming over for lunch and an afternoon visit. I prepared the chicken breast to marinate until I would grill them at a later time. The baked beans were started with the smell of bacon and onions flowing through the house. Although they are called baked beans I have always made them atop my stove in a skillet. I have never enjoyed overly juicy beans and found a trick completely by accident one time when I was camping. Of course one doesn’t have the enjoyment of an oven when you are camping. All food that may need to be cooked is done so over the open fire. I found that cooking the beans in a skillet over a low fire thickens the sauce and seems to blend the flavors more. Thus, my campfire beans became my version of baked beans… I also took the fresh corn on the cob out of the freezer and started it to slow cook on the stove top.

The rain passed quickly and before I knew it the sun was desperately trying to come out. It was nice to see that the flaw in the weatherman’s prediction was going to be in our favor for once. The sun was not supposed to appear until later that afternoon. Yet here it was 10 am and it was shining brightly. After making a batch of white chocolate/macadamia cookies and slicing my mushrooms to sauté, I was finished and able to relax a bit. Another cup of coffee was in order as well as a quick shower.

I could not resist a quick walk around my yard after the sun had been out for a bit. It seemed as if everything was busting out from the recent drink they had been given by Mother Nature. The birds sang a bit louder now that the dust from days prior was washed from the air. The small buds on the trees lifted their heads to the sun in anticipation that today could very likely be the day that they would open to the new spring. The tulips likewise raised themselves preparing for their grand entrance. It seemed that spring was budding out all around me.

The afternoon was filled with good food and a good visit. By the time evening came we strolled once more through the yard as well as explored a wooded area behind our property that we are considering possibly purchasing. It is covered with trees as well as other wonderful things and the idea of clearing it out and allowing the wildflowers to flourish is quite exciting. It would lengthen our property by quite a bit and take it right up to a deep ravine that runs next to it. Signs could be seen everywhere that it is a trail for animals and such.

This weekend as we venture out and around I intend to tote my camera with me everywhere. There are far too many wonderful opportunities at this time to pass them up. I look forward to sharing them with you in the weeks to come. I will be posting many of them over on my photography blog The Picture As Janie Sees It. Come and visit me there sometime… Enjoy your weekend.


brandi said...

~i could almost smell your baked beans simmering away...will have to try in a pan...sound as if your day has started off in the most delighful way and i hope your weekend continues with blessings aplenty for you and yours...will look forward to seeing your photos...well wishes and brightest blessings upon you always~

Leigh said...

Very nice post. I too, could smell the smells, and see the sights as I read. Lovely photos. I do hope you are able to purchase the woods behind your property. Wouldn't that be a wonderful addition?

mxtodis123 said...

Gosh, I love baked beans made that way. Unfortunately, I don't make them anymore. Hubby, being Dominican, loves his beans, but made in Dominican style. What a nice day you had! Quality family time is so, so important. Hoping you have a wonderful weekend.

RA said...

Again I could smell the coffee... and the beans. It all sounds so cozy, even Winston being such a good boy!
I love the spring flowers, can't wait for you to go around with your camera. :)

AkasaWolfSong said...

Thank you for holding me close the other day when I so needed means the world to me.
As I sat and read your words just now I see tiny glimmers of hope and renewal coming albeit slowly, and looking at your pictures I am reminded of growth, however fast or slow the natural progression of things are...
I must sit with it and be with it much like nature...
I too smell your beans cooking waay over here and know somethin'?
That is exactly how I make my beans...they are too delish that way!
I'm happy you spent time with your family...we all know how important that is.
Happy Easter Sister...

Raven Moon Magic said...

i would love to know how to make baked beans!! we are strictly beans from a can only but I had a friend from america make me boston beans and they were yummy. Are you willing to part with a recipie????

It sounds like a perfect spring day, when the weather lets you out for little bursts just to check what other little treats have popped their heads up.

do you live in a place that has tornados???? I dont know how you sleep, something about wind scares me, maybe I was eaten by a tornado in a past life!!!!

so good to finally be here, sorry it took me sooo long...


P.s. your grandkids are sooo sweet xxx

Anonymous said...

Your baked beans sound great! I would love to try that sometime. Sounds like you had a great day, have a great rest of the weekend!

Judy said...

You make cooking sound like fun...Thanks

Wendy said...

I hope naughty Winston didn't try and steal any of the food. Being a puppy, it's only natural. You remind me of the Goddess Hestia, who welcomed people to come sit by her hearth. Thank you for opening your hearth to all of us.