I have never found much pleasure in participating in the rat race of day to day events. Although I have timelines that need to be adhered to and deadlines that have to be monitored I dislike the feeling of going 90 miles a minute just to be sure that I complete all the things on my list. Yes I have been busy these last months, but it has been a different kind of busy. At times the busy work has even been somewhat enjoyable.
The word that I speak of is change. It is easy to grow content in our little piece of the world. We shy away from venturing out and entering into things or places that may not make us feel as comfortable or at home. I think this is something I have done over the last few years and although at times it has been quite enjoyable, it has also hindered me from many things.
It is the procrastination that I need to battle the most. I am one of those who is sometimes easily detoured from a rabbit that may be hopping by. Honestly I think it is an excuse to focus on something else. I think this year may be the year that I finally get off my butt, so to speak, and finally do a few of the things that I have been meaning to tackle for many years. It will most definitely be a change for me, but a good change indeed. Wish me luck.