Friday, February 24, 2012

In human life there is constant change of fortune;

It is unreasonable

to expect an exemption from the common fate.

Life itself decays,

and all things are daily changing.

You can find energizing moments

in each aspect of your life;


But to do so

you must learn how to catch them,

hold on to them,

to feel the pull of their weight

and allow yourself to follow where they lead.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life Goes On….

The last two weeks of life in our household has been anything but normal routine.  It is odd when life brings your events that take you away from the “normal routine” and you find yourself just staying afloat amidst all the change and chaos.  As things slowly revert to some form of normalcy you look at the time passed and are amazed at the time that has gone.  Finally our lives are somewhat normal.  Vincent is slowly improving.  Now we have the multitude of doctor visits and additional tests that need to be ran to verify or clarify what has occurred.  It is a bit easier to deal with than the darkness of a black  hole that you find yourself in at the beginning. 


Yet even though our world was turned upside down in a matter of seconds, life itself continued to go on.  Bills still needed paid… appointments that were made needed to be kept, rescheduled or cancelled completely… the house although not lived in for a few days still managed to become cluttered and needed tidied…. laundry began to pile… You know the drill…  Yet in the midst of this all a moment occurred that could not help but make me smile. 


A while back I spoke of how I was reopening my Esty shop, determined to become creative and once again attempt to peddle my wares.  Really before the only wares I had were my willow runes, yet they were something I was quite proud of.  Each set was created and became like a baby to me.  Well last week I sold my first set of willow runes from my Esty shop.  Yes it did come at a time when time was not necessarily something that I had tons of.  Yet still the event was a joyous event to me.  I will send them out tomorrow.  They are to be a gift for a husband’s birthday. 


As I worked with them and prepared them for their journey to their new owner, I realized that life is forever turning.  It does not stop when we have a moment that may seem to hard or too much.  It keeps moving on.  Much like we must try to do in the midst of such moments.  This event has shown Vincent and I much and truly I see it as a blessing.  It could have been so much worse than it was.  It was just enough to get our attention and let us know the things that needed to be done to advert a further possibly more severe event.  It reminded us of the precious time we have with each other and those around us.  Although I do not like to learn lessons or be reminded in such a manner, I am thankful that the message was given. It has shown me so many things this last two weeks and many of them are truly blessings. 


To those of you who have sent blessings and well wishes our way, thank you.  I have felt the healing energies and they have been so welcomed and appreciated.  I hope that I am able to return the gift.  Blessings

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Valentine….

Bike trip 010

Love is a funny thing,

When it is true nothing can take it from you. 

 Regardless of frustration, or change,

Love is the one thing that always remains. 

Finally–The Winner Is….


Forgive my lateness.. but I have finally picked the winner of my giveaway.  I truly meant to have more pictures and hints to go along as the time progressed… but once again life happened.  Before I send the goodies out I will get a picture and post out so that everyone can see all the goodies I gathered. 


Now for the winner…..

Skye from Between the Branches was the lucky name drawn. She is from the fair state of Nebraska and with the cold and snow she has had as of late I am sure she could enjoy a little surprise.   If you could send me your post info Skye,  I will do my best to get this out to you as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Those Who Do Not Dance


A crippled child

Said, "How shall I dance?"

Let your heart dance

We said.

Then the invalid said:

"How shall I sing?"

Let your heart sing

We said

Then spoke the poor dead thistle,

"But I, how shall I dance?"

Let your heart fly to the wind

We said.

Then God spoke from above

"How shall I descend from the blue?"

Come dance for us here in the light

We said.

All the valley is dancing

Together under the sun,

And the heart of him who joins us not

Is turned to dust, to dust.

Gabriela Mistral

It has been ten days since Vincent had his stroke.  Progress is slow but it is evident.  I know the power of a positive outlook.  I found this poem and it spoke to me somehow.  It reminds me that nothing is set in stone and that anything is possible.  Also we can never be sure what unexpected sources may bring us the very moment that will bring us the influences and experiences we require. 

Blessing to all who have been so generous with your prayers and thoughts.  I truly can feel the energy.  I know that many are praying for us at this time and it has taught me that God comes in so many forms, for I feel the healing warmth from each of you. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

ebb and flow

The harder the conflict,

the more glorious the triumph. 

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.

- Thomas Paine -

Thursday, February 9, 2012

In the Blink of An Eye

Last Saturday was much like any day for me.  I met a good friend I had not seen for some time for lunch and had a nice visit.  Afterwards I went home to work on a baby quilt I am doing and fix supper for Vincent when he arrived home later that day. Lasagna was the food of choice.  We had a quiet dinner enjoying each others company.  He excused himself and promised to return shortly. 


When he did arrive back he was complaining of being a bit dizzy and seeing double.  He works long hours and so I thought he was just tired.  He sat next to me and laid his head back.  It did not take long before he was asleep.  I missed his company but I let him sleep.  When I got up to go to bed I attempted to wake him to join me.  He would not respond.  I soon realized that he was not going to wake.  I quickly called 911 who arrived shortly afterwards.  They too were unable to rouse him.  After vitals were taken and such they decided to transport him to the hospital. 


To make a long story short, Vincent suffered a mild stroke.  We have spent the last four and a half days in the hospital, running multiple blood tests along with MRIs, MRAs, CTs and countless other anagrams.  He was discharged yesterday to come home.  Luckily he only had a small blockage that seems to have released itself.  He is on the usual medicine to help to prevent further episodes .  His vision is a bit messed up but we have an appointment with a nuero optometrist who should be able to help that. 


It is amazing how your life can change in the blink of an eye.  I find myself with all sorts of questions swimming around in my head.  I want so to talk my frustrations and worries over with my best friend yet I am unable to.  He is not who he used to be, at least not for now.  Plus the added drama and worry is not something he needs to feel he has to handle.  Keep us in your thoughts.  I am not sure what this journey has in store for us but I know that we will see it through…My giveaway is still a go, just understand if I am not as punctual as before.  Much love and hold precious those cherished moments.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blessed Imbolc


For many, the winter has been quite mild and we have not been witness to the fits that the season usually brings.  Tempertures have been warmer than usual and there has been an absence of the white stuff.  Still today marks the mid point between Winter and Spring.  The earth is slowly awakening.  Soon the signs will become even more obvious that once more the wheel has continued to turn. 


May each of you witness the awakening in your own special manner. 
