Thursday, April 1, 2010

Early Morning Potty Breaks

With the new addition to our family my schedule has been a bit challenged this last week. Don’t get me wrong I have loved his presence and think that it is exactly what Vincent and I needed. Winston has been a wonderful addition to our little home despite the 3 am potty breaks he seems to enjoy. He seems to be acclimating well to his new surroundings and is even slowly making friends with Sunny and Sweetie. Sweetie and he seem to well on their way to a good friendship, which seems a bit odd as Sweetie usually acts like she is too good to be friends with anyone…

This morning he assisted me in rising a bit earlier than I normally do. The weather has been so warm these past few days that it was nice to be outdoors and enjoy it a bit. I brewed the coffee and tidied up the kitchen, enjoyed my first cup on the back porch in the cool weather, then decided to come in and write. It has been quite enjoyable. Winston on the other hand has already kicked back and went back to sleep on the floor next to me. Ah, the life of a puppy.

We decided to train him to a crate as Vincent is as crazy about him as me and really wants to occasionally take him to work with him. It is working out quite well. Because we knew that he would grow in size and we did not want to purchase a multitude of crates, we choose a large one from the beginning. Winston has already learned that the crate is his place and occasionally during the day will crawl inside to take a short nap. Yet when evening comes it is slid into our bedroom and placed next to my side of the bed (isn’t it always the momma who has to tend the baby…).

Spoiled? Yes he is. But then we always knew that we would spoil our children… Goodness I swore that I would not ever be that way with an animal… It is a good thing that eventually he will grow into a large dog. He will not have to worry about any of those silly outfits that the little dogs are seen wearing. At least let’s hope he won’t. Be forewarned that there will be plenty of pictures of our little guy… that is if he stands still long enough.

Other than Winston, this last week has been filled with yard work. Although the Oklahoma winds have been at their best (30-40 mph) we have still been out all week cleaning. Vincent has mainly been working around the pond and trimming the willows that were damaged from the earlier ice storm and I have been clearing my area for the fairy garden I am working on. Both are looking wonderful. I really should have taken some before and after photos. I was not aware of how different it is going to look when it is all finished. Many of my flowers that I planted from seed last summer are starting to come up. I am so excited about this. I scattered them all around the pond and on the perimeter of the property. Color sprinkled throughout the yard can do wonders for the view.

Soon I will start on the additions to my fairy garden. Flowers, a bench, chimes, feeders, stones and more are all planned. Don’t worry when it is complete I will be sure and post a picture. Because it will be shaded mostly I am going to have to think in regards to the flowers that I choose to grow. It does get some sun yet I would say for the most part it is partly shade to shade.

This weekend brings the holiday of Easter. I am still trying to think of a way I can justify coloring eggs, seeing that my grandkids are over 700 miles away. I did purchase the eggs, just in case I get a wild hair and just do it… A visit to the mothers this weekend is also on the schedule. I will spend Saturday working on the food that we are going to be taking up with us. I found some wonderful strawberries. I figured strawberry shortcake with homemade whip cream sounded yummy. Tomorrow my eldest son and his family are coming over for dinner. It is always nice to see them. A relaxing afternoon visiting with some food off the grill sounds nice. It has been a good week thus far.

Hope that likewise it has been an enjoyable one for all of you. Here is hoping that the weekend finds you in good spirits and lots of blessings. I know that some of you have seen some heavy rains. Hopefully the weekend will bring drier conditions and a visit from Mr. Sun. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and many blessings to you and yours.


Anonymous said...

Janie...I didn't think that anything named Winston could ever be so cute!
(All that came to mind was Churchill...who could never be called cute!)
Well...I guess with all of the snow around (here-again) you had to have a snow pup...he is deliciously beautiful!
I can imagine that you will spoil him rotten...right down to his little black nose...lucky pup indeed!
Nice to see you again my dear one...hope all goes well with your new Grandchild...luv ya :0)

Anndi said...

He's quite the precious puppy :)

We're to have warm and sunny days this Easter, it'll be lovely.

mxtodis123 said...

Winston is adorable. He's got those mischievous little dark eyes. How could anyone not spoil him? And I just love that amazing pose of your kitties.

Lavanah said...

What a beautiful baby!

RA said...

Winston is cute, but so are your cats. The animals we have are what we make them. Hence, I am sure little Winston won't be a problem when big Winston.
I loved the atmosphere in your description of morning. I could almost smell the coffee. :)

Anonymous said...

He is so cute.Makes me wish I had a little puppy.

Go ahead and color those eggs. We have to be a child sometimes or we will grow too old.


Bogaman said...

Sometimes with the potty training, I wonder who is training 'who'. X.

greekwitch said...

So adorable! I love puppies, and kitties.. You have a beautiful fur family

brandi said...

~between your new little one and those teo little kitties my gosh its a toss up on who is the sweeter of the three...they are all beautiful ones you have...what a good mama you are...that is the joy only lasts so long!! can't wait to see your faery garden sounds as if you have it all planned...will be delightful i am sure! we have had hit and miss weather round here so i have had just a handful of days to be outdoors tending to our yard...and it is screaming for attention...soon...well wishes and brightest blessings upon you always~

Dede said...

Winston is adorable! So looking forward to seeing your fairy garden. The strawberries look so yummy and refreshing. Wishing you a week filled with sunshine!
