Monday, August 31, 2009

The Magician

Creativity - Inspiration - Life Force - Empowerment

The process of coming to terms with ones potential is the center of the Magician's meaning. Realizing your purpose and taking the steps needed to achieve that goal. Keeping a centered and open mind is the key. Intuitiveness, Imagination, & Ingenuity: All come from inspiration. Yet true inspiration comes when the mind is open and willing to be filled by what is to come. It is not a time to worry or doubt. Trust is imperative in order for what is about to come to come smoothly and work as it should through you.

The card is overflowing with symbols. The cloak of feathers or Tugen, reflecting the presence of raven knowledge or second sight, the four magical tools which lie on the stone table representing the four suits and also the potential available, and Stonehenge in the back drop representing an ability of travel between worlds to name a few. All whisper of the great ability available.

The Magician card calls one out. Asking for trust and willingness in allowing the inspiration and abilities within oneself to flow as it is meant to. To listen with an open mind to that which is calling and to use all the tools within ourselves to flourish in the manner and purpose we have been called to.

Card from The Druid Craft Tarot/ Carr-Gomm