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hange..... Ash, is said to represent the power to create change via decisive and powerful action. It urges us to not sit still and just "accept" a situation. Yet to be assertive and create the change necessary to make it happen as it should.
Change is not always a welcomed thing yet many times quite necessary. The acceptance of such can make the transition to the next stage of any situation much easier then if we fight it. Continuous evolution is the process of life and thus how we grow and learn. As opportunity comes to you to enjoy the process of change and growth, may you likewise be as the Ash and have a strong and assertive stance to the coming changes that occur. Blessings
I had always been one who didn't adapt well to change. It wasn't until I got older that I learned to look at change as an opportunity to grow. Now, when the need for change comes along I look forward to the gifts it will bring me.
Oh change.....yes necessary, but not always welcomed. How are you?
~you are speaking straight to my heart this morning..."Continuous evolution is the process of life and thus how we grow and learn" such truth in those words yet sometimes so hard to grasp...accept...and learn...i have been known to have great difficulty with life and all the changes that come about...brightest blessings~
I have always hated change, but right now I would welcome it. I need to make changes in my life, but it seems so hard to do. Maybe when the warmth of the Sun returns it will be easier.
Call me kooky but I have always loved change. I have taken it as a challenge or an adventure. I think I am the only person in my family that is like this and it drives my family nuts. LOL
This seems to fit well with what I'm reading lately. Ash was preferred by the Celts for making spear shafts. It also corresponds with the Spear of Lugh, one of four great magical weapons. By tradition, the Spear equates with the lesser magical weapon of the wand, which represents the will of the magician. When facing stagnation in the mental and spiritual realms, the only way out is to break this enforced peace suddenly and deliberately by taking up arms and fighting the lethargy. The best weapon to use in this circumstance is the Spear, for it is only the deliberate use of willpower that will overcome inertia, and set you back on your path.
I love Ash. The smell as it burns. It's strength. Great bow wood. X.
I'm feeling changes coming in my life too. Yay!
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