A short time back I ran across a wonderful blog by an extremely talented young solitary. Her artistic ability simply amazes me and I am constantly surprised at her wonderful abilities. It just did not seem fair to not share such a wealth with my fellow followers so that they could enjoy her also.
Many of you have already found Antics Of A Tameran Witch. I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about when I speak of her talents. She has a range of genres from glass blowing to painting to drawing and then some. Her first piece to attract my attention was the pages of her Book of Shadows. Such detail is given to her work. It is easy to tell that she has great pride in what she does. Her site has a couple of slide shows which exhibit her work. She is in the process of starting up an esty shop also which I have to say I am so excited about...
So when you have a moment or two, stop by and say hi and take a look... I think you may like what you see.
~you are OH SO RIGHT....her bos was like none i have ever seen...what lies on those pages is not only words but exquisite beauty and color...truly amazing...thanks for sharing and brightest blessings~
Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I must say, even though I do not know you very well, your comments have inspired me to bigger and better things.
Oh my goddess! That graphic of the gorgeous girl had been a favorite of mine for the longest time..I greedily check her deviant page so often. It figures Mother Moon you would praise her talent as your vision of beauty is so strong. I wish you would write a book. Everything you write about from other people's blogs to nature fills me with such song. I also want to thank you deeply for the kind words you said about me yesterday to our group. Were you able to get the tags? As I said, I will be more than happy to post them at a website where you can download them or just right click to save. Please let me know as I want you to have these tags. You were definitely an inspiration for them. And thank you again for showcasing this young girls talent!! Blessings to you.
Oh hun that girl is not mine :D I cant speak french and until I can find someone that can I cant talk to the artist, but left her name on the header. I WISH I did photo manipulations.
~you are OH SO RIGHT....her bos was like none i have ever seen...what lies on those pages is not only words but exquisite beauty and color...truly amazing...thanks for sharing and brightest blessings~
Awwww <3 you are so going to make me cry!
Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I must say, even though I do not know you very well, your comments have inspired me to bigger and better things.
Oh my goddess! That graphic of the gorgeous girl had been a favorite of mine for the longest time..I greedily check her deviant page so often. It figures Mother Moon you would praise her talent as your vision of beauty is so strong. I wish you would write a book. Everything you write about from other people's blogs to nature fills me with such song. I also want to thank you deeply for the kind words you said about me yesterday to our group. Were you able to get the tags? As I said, I will be more than happy to post them at a website where you can download them or just right click to save. Please let me know as I want you to have these tags. You were definitely an inspiration for them. And thank you again for showcasing this young girls talent!!
Blessings to you.
Oh hun that girl is not mine :D I cant speak french and until I can find someone that can I cant talk to the artist, but left her name on the header. I WISH I did photo manipulations.
thanks so much for the heads up on this very talented artist's blog! I'm definitely going to sign up to follow!
I LOVE her blog! Thanks so much for posting this so everyone can run and visit!
She's amazing. Good choice. :)
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