Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Farmer Market Wednesday - (Done last Saturday)

The weather here has been so hot these last couple weeks... Our tempertures have hit well into the 100 degree mark.  The other day as I drove back from the city my car thermometer read 110.  Needless to say with tempertures like this I have not been spending much time outdoors except early in the morning and sometimes later in the evening.

I did manage to go into the Farmers market last weekend and check out what they may have.  Believe it or not I purchased more peaches.  I know I had already bought 2 bushel boxes in Tennessee and though after I had put those away that I would not want to look at another peach yet, I  could not resist when I saw them.  I love a good peach for a snack and I did want to put some jam up in pint jars so .... well you know the rest of the story.   I finished working them up today.  I had plenty to even put a few more quart bags in the freezer for cobblers.  There is nothing like a good peach cobbler in the middle of winter. 

I also ventured by my old farmers market here in the small town I live in.  I had been there a couple times earlier in the year yet the usuals that had been there before were not there, or so I thought.  I was delightlfully surprised to find the Pepper lady back.  Can you beleive I can never remember her name.  I just refer to her as the pepper lady.. Its terrible I know... I chatted with her for some time and of course purchased all of the shishito peppers she had.  These are little japanese peppers that are simply heavenly cooked up in olive oil with some garlic. 
I decided though to prepare me a stir fry for lammas with red bell peppers, the shishito, garlic, red onion, zuchini, and thinly sliced new potatoes.  It was delicious.. And for desert... of course I had some fresh peach tarts.... There is nothing more flavorable than fresh fruit and vegetables.  I can hardly wait to go back this Saturday... blessings.


mxtodis123 said...

Gosh, hasn't this been a dreadful summer? Just too, too hot. Your stir fry looks fabulous...light and tasty.

brandi said...

~we have only hit the 90s a hand ful of times...the rest has been a comfortable high 70's maybe pushing low 80's...our morning this past week have been a reminder that fall is quickly upon us...they are starting cool, dark and hazey...i am sorry you are enduring such heat but gosh you are driving my tummy mad with all this peach talk...sounds so wonderful...may have to visit the market this saturday and pick me up some peaches!! wishing you a wonderful day or shall i say evening...brightest blessings~

Teresa said...

I need to find me some peaches. They look so yummy. I must say the stir fry looks great!

JoyceAnn said...

I've never heard of those peppers , but the stir-fry looks delish and peach tarts sound yummy.
We had a few days of cooler weather over the weekend , but today was muggy and hot again. So glad Fall is just around the corner.

~ Many Blessings ~

Nydia said...

You'll hate me, but I can't wait to Summer!! I'm tired of wearing two pairs of everything... lol!

Hope the weather cools down a bit for you! Your peaches look so yummy... I love fruit & vegetable markets, the smell, the noise, the colors, here is like a party!

Have a sweet Thursday!

Kisses and love from us.

PS: Thank you again for always being so lovely on your comments at my page, it means a lot! :o)

RA said...

Oh, those peaches! Btw, you are lucky I don't live next door... I'd invite myself to dinner every day! :D

Anonymous said...

I agree it does look yummy. And so much healithier compared to what I eat. I' ve given you an award!

Dede said...

Your stir fry looks fantastic! And peach tarts too, yummy! This summer has been unbelievably hot. Just a few months we will be all bundled up trying to stay warm. LOL Wishing you a sweet day!
