Yes just as I promised my next giveaway is starting today and will run through February 14th - Valentines Day. In the beginning my plans were to center the giveaway around "love"... yet as we all know it is difficult if not impossible for me to not allow my thoughts or plans to grow. I wanted to somehow also incorporate Imbolc within my giveaway as we will celebrate it in just a little over 10 days. Also as you all know I have been itching for the arrival of spring or at least its subtle pressence since Yule so.... well you all know I don't need to explain it "again". So on with the explanation what all the things within my bounty.
The first item is a wonderful numbered print from Illustrated Ink. I have grown to love her work and when I seen this in her Esty Shop I had to get it. Of course I have one for myself yet wanted to also share it with all of you. (well at least one of you). It portrays love in a beautiful sense. As the artist explains; it represents that love never dies even after death.

Next is a perfect little flowering pot to start some growth inside. Along with some seeds of herbs and assorted flowers. Honestly you may feel that this is just too cute to plant in and decide to use it for something else. You can not see them yet tucked down into the pot is a nice ample supply of some of the best chocolates I know of. I can assure you that you will love these. These are the kind that you simply take one (if you can only eat one) and enjoy each bite. The white chocolate center is simply wonderful.
Of course if one is going to be planting they need to have a trusted Priapic wand. I have fashioned this one of a wonderful piece of Apple wood that I have had for some time. Atop it sits a small acorn from my little oak. I will say that the wand is not finished yet I wanted to have it in the picture .
Lastly is a small sachet I made, filled with herbs and scents of Imbolc, Myrrh, Violet, and others. As we all know this giveaway could still grow a bit more before it is all said and done yet this is the general idea of it all. Now for the guidelines: They are simple as always yet I though this time I would put a bit of a twist in them. Just for the fun of it. See below.
To enter into the giveaway you will need to be a follower of Mother Moons Message. When leaving your comment to enter, please tell of your favorite thing about this time of year.
If any of you would like extra chances to win you can do so in the following ways:
- Post about the give away on your site. If you choose to do this, please come back and leave a comment stating you have done so along with the link to the post.
- Post the button with a link on your website for the duration of the giveaway. If you choose to do this, please be sure and post a comment stating you have done so.
- Each of the extra credit chances will give you 2 extra entries. Yet be aware you will only have to place one comment for each. I am planning on being organized again and writing up the entries as I get them. So I will be sure and put an extra entry in for you.
The Winner will be choosen the morning of February 14th. Yea I know this is a Sunday yet I wanted to do it on Valentines Day... good luck to all of you.
Oh, count me in! =) What I love about this time of year are the little signs that spring is coming - the slight show of impending buds.
I love Valentoonies. This time of year makes me kinda ichy inside....anxious for what is to be. Possibilites which is a next door neighbor to Opportunity my 2010 word. I would love to be the winner of this giveaway. How generous of you.
I have posted a blog about your giveaway and included a link/picture on my blog as well. Thanks my dear.
vert word is blishus....that's what the giveawy is bliss and delcious.....blishus.
Sad to say, but my favorite thing about this time of year (as I yawn from my long hibernation nap) is saying goodbye to Old Man Winter. I always call Winter a man because a mother would never subject her children to such a cold and barren world. These being only my personal thoughts and do not reflect or mean to cause any offense. So goodbye Mr. Winter, I hope I am not rushing you too much this year.
In the Pacific Northwest, Spring not only means the time of fertility and birth, but also bright beautiful days but still cool enough at night to cuddle up by the fireplace with a cup of hot tea and a good book (or lately knitting needles).
The Spring and Fall months are the time when I can sit in my living room and watch the thunderstorms roll across Puget Sound as the smell of wisteria floods my house through the open windows.
It is a season of personal growth for me as well. I spend a lot of time getting back in touch with nature either by walking down to the pier or picking wildflowers and herbs. I guess in a way, I break out of my Winter shell.
I'd like to be entered into your contest. I'm a follower. My favorite thing about this time of year is the increase of sunshine. Today the sun was actually out and it wasn't dark when I got up this morning!
Okay I blogged and put your button on my page but sincerely it will stay up all the time. You are a joy to have around :)
ohhhh, I'm the first to enter, cool, I'm also posting it on my blog! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
That print is beautiful! I've always enjoyed darker love images and am actually working on something in the same vein right now. :)
My favourite thing about this time of year is my birthday! And the returning sun. I'm not a winter lover so knowing that spring is on it's way makes me giddy.
My favorite thing about this time of year...You know, I'm not sure. Usually I would say school getting out, but...this is my first year not attending school. >.<
Hmm...I suppose it is the promise of storms. Thunderstorms, specifically. I like to dance in them. In fact the weather report says there's a chance of thunderstorm this weekend in my area...very unusual for January!!
My little one and I are making Priapic wands tomorrow! I hope they turn out as lovely as yours!
My favourite thing about this time of year is probably the anticipation for the coming spring and the knowledge that winter is almost over! :)
Please enter me in your give away. I love the wand!
This time of year reminds me of hearth and home and the first signs of Spring. It also reminds me of the Mound of Hostages at the Hill of Tara and how the sun will light the passage tomb. The energy is phenomenal!
I love everything about this time of year.... My anniversary, Super Bowl, My Oldest's B-day. I like that the weather is starting to warm ever so slightly and the plants are starting to show the first signs of spring.
I advertised the giveaway on my blog!
And I have a button up now on my blog for the contest!
Another great giveaway! You are so clever with your seasonal associations. I really itch for those chocolates (my husband is very healthy and we buy nothing like that)! Count me in, once again! I am a follower!
What a lovely giveaway. Thank you for hosting such generous drawings. It's fun to see what you put together for us.
I like this time of year because winter is losing it's grip and Spring is around the corner. I love the rain (especially since we're finally getting some in our drought-stricken area!).
Thanks again for the chance.
I just love Valentine's Day! Please count me in the giveaway, I just love the wand and picture. Love the blog!
J- Thank you so much for featuring my print in your giveaway! What a sweet surprise! That's why you wanted two. ;)
I hope everyone has a special Valentine's Day! xoxo ~Leila
I posted your giveaway on my blog! (I'm not entering the giveaway, but I wanted to share the love):
oh i'm DROOLING over that illustrated ink print!!!
my favorite thing about this time of year is that valentines day is also my birthday :) i love that i get to share my day with all those pretty hearts and flowers and happy feelings of love :)
xo erin
Wow! So happy to have found your blog via Illustrated Ink (!
My favorite part about this time of year is that we actually get some RAIN in Southern California in Jan-Feb!
I love that print. I keep thinking I should do a giveaway, but I never seem to be able to put anything good together that would work.
Great give away! Today I saw my first Robin of the year -- that is what I love about this time of year . . . everything is starting to 'wake up' and become active again.
Aww - this is so nice! Who would love a bit more "love" in their life? Plus, chocolate is always good - lol! Actually, the wand really caught my eye - lovely! You could sell those!
Count me in sweet Janie!
Ooops! Forgot to write what I love about this time of year - lol!
For me, it's the "stirring." It's still quiet - but not deep Winter quiet. The birds are moving, the horses have big round bellies, and the earth is just starting to send out it's first little brave explorers. It's just a bit of movement - but it's enough to let me know that Spring is coming!
Just put your giveaway button on my blog!
what i love about this time of year is that spring is coming closer and i love walking down the red and pink valentines day aisle and wanting to take all the candy home... haha.
What I love about this time of year is the ever changing temperature and scenery. Some of the greenery is coming back to life and soon the animals will be coming back around, too. I love that it can be cold and rainy one day and cool and sunny the next. :)
Hi there,
My favorite thing about this time of the year? The snow makes everything lighter at night. Besides, I like that each day is a bit longer -- spring isn't that far away anymore. :)
Of course, I follow your blog. :)
I put a link and picture on the sidebar of my blog. :)
-- Birgit
I do love seeing a beautiful snowfall , but the thing I love most about this season is " Spring " is right around the corner , time to plan the garden.
Your giveaway is wonderful , love the wand.
~ Be Blessed ~
i love your blog and the little heart ceramic pot is so cheery. This time of year is the promise of light returning, the hope of brighter days ahead and the returning life. Btightest Blessings, Lynn
I would love to win this.... and I could use it! LOL
One of my favorite things about this time of year is that it is a new beginning. Everything seems like it is poised on the edge of an explosion of growth, of change, of something. Also, it's my daughter's birthday on Feb 17th!
I posted the button on my blog.
Count me in on the lovely giveaway.
Oh my goodness, I almost missed it!
I cannot for the life of me get caught up lately! LOL And if I hadn't pilfered my son's laptop, I'd still be in the dark.
Well, as you know, I'm a follower. My favorite thing about this time of year? Snow days off from school! LOL
my favourite thing about this time of year is how the days are starting to get longer, one morning it's dark, the next the sun is lighting the sky.
HI. I have you in my blog reader.
Anyways, i have to say my favorite thing about this time of year is the green. I noticed for the first time today that the lawns are beginning to get color. We actually drove passed a field and T said, "Mommy, look. That field is beautiful. Do you see how green it is? Look, look!" He was so excited. Since this winter has been one of our coldest yet, I think we are looking forward to warmth and sunshine.
I'm a follower and I'd love to be entered in the giveaway.
My favorite thing about this time of year is the growing daylight. Our shortest day is around 4hrs of daylight so the days getting longer is a cause for celebration.
Wonderful giveaway please through my name in hat. I too yearn for longer days and more sunshine.
Your wand looks great.
Please count me in. I love the little heart you made, it is gorgeous.
What a wonderful giveaway.
Happy Valentine's day.
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